The challenge of translating medical market research documents


According to research, there is a growing tendency in the medical profession to use translators that are not medically qualified (Krystallidou, 2012 and Montalt, 2013). Subsequently, the quality of medical care potentially becomes an issue that would be exposed in the course of clinical trials.

Furthermore, a paper published by Science Direct found that acronyms and abbreviations are commonly used in medical research papers. Many terms including the names of diseases, chemical compounds and therapies, very rarely appear written as a full word.

As a result, medical research papers can be fraught with ambiguity. This is particularly the case when market research has been taken from multiple countries and presented in an array of different languages.

Market research in the medical industry requires precise and up-to-date knowledge. The Science Direct study also found that medical abbreviations change fast due to new inventions, buzzwords and localised code.

Translations in the medical arena also require multiple levels of quality control and an understanding of the regulations of drug development. Using in-house translators and quality measures may not be adequate.

The translators we use at Selica International are qualified medical professionals and have an excellent understanding of the terminology and abbreviations used in both languages. Furthermore, we are members of BHBIA, have a strict data protection policy and look to deliver a headache-free service every time. For more information contact a member of our knowledgeable team today.